Sunday, November 15, 2009

Church by the Pool in the Shade

last night was awesome. i went to a birthday party of a lady in the church who i didn't even really know. all i know is she was one of the first people in the church to greet my on my first sunday. her and her hubby. but thats the first and last time i've spoken to her so when someone invited me to a party i dint'really know who it was for but i was totally in!! haha. we got there a little late but just in time for dancing and so it was a great night that ended with sore feet!! :)

today there was a cycle race in Jo-burg and because of the race all the main roads were shut down including the one leading to the church. so there was no church today. but wayyyyy earlier in the week, BJ and I decided that it would be super fun to have our own church. so we asked Taylor to preach. and so we invited everyone on the property to come (tho a lot didn't unfortunatly for them... :) and we were going to have church by the pool. but it didnt'have much shade at 10 am so we had it just near the pool. hence our name "church by the pool in the shade"it was really sweet. BJ and I led the worship time. all the kids from the babies home came for it and the preach was sweet. all in all it was almost an hour long service! so much fun!!! it ended with Me, BJ and Taylor jumping in the pool with our clothes on. just for fun. i havne'tbeen swimming in my clothes since i was little!

afterwards we all got into our swim cozzies and had a pool party. other people showed up and there was a LOT of people in the tiny pool. it was a great morning/afternoon.

i worked at 130 and then after i got off a bunch of us played ps2 games and then card games till 12. and now i'm here. i'm nursing my sunburn and i actually don't want to go to bed because that means laying on it... lol.

1 comment:

  1. Jealous! i wish we could have church by the pool here.....and that it was warm of course!

    Miss you!!

    Oh p.s. the condo is for rent again lol
