Saturday, November 14, 2009


South Africa is finally warming up and it’s so nice. But to make things even better the storms come at night and cool everything down. African storms are amazing. The thunder and the lightning are just awesome!!!!! I love it here for storms!!!

Yesterday I worked the am shift with Amy and it went really well considering after 9 am the caregivers all left, leaving me basically the caregiver for the rest of the shift. It was awesome…. Well it went really well anyways. Lol. Only one of the kids got hurt and it wasn’t too bad. He was very brave and I was trying not to freak because he was bleeding quite a bit. Poor kid.

After shift Amy and Lauren and I took a whole bunch of them swimming, Aimee joined us and we had a pool party. It was super fun.

Later on, Amy’s mom and boyfriend picked us up and we went to Amy’s granddads place and we got to upload LOTS of pictures onto face book. I’m so happy because I got like 200 hundred pics uploaded last night!!! Then we all went out to dinner and shopping. It was super fun. We ate on the Piazza and watched the lightning and listened to the thunder. It was awesome.

After I got home, I got a phone call to go to the coffee shop on the property. I went down there to find all the boys watching rugby. Sorry to say that SA lost to France but the yelling and screaming and throwing things at the screen was totally hilarious. We then migrated in to salsa lessons. I had every intention of going to bed a decent time, but unless 2 am is decent…… lol.

Today was pretty lazy in the morning. I pretty much spent my time chillening at the coffee shop. Its fun to go there because at any given time there will be someone else there to talk to

Then I work pm shift. It was one of the little kids birthday party today. I worked afternoon shift with Lauren and we took 8 of the kids to the pool. No on who reads this blog, besides my mommy, can understand how hard it is to dress, get towels for, get floatys blown up for and drag 8 kids under the age of 6 to the pool and back. It’s a lot of work!! Actually getting there isn’t as hard because they are motivated but getting back is horrible!! Lol But it’s worth it because they sleep so well at night when they have spent the time out swimming and running around.

Tonight I’m off to a party. So it should be a good night. Ciao!!

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