Friday, September 4, 2009


soooooo finally finally. yesterday i started getting stressed out. i hadn't gotten my visa yet and it had been a month since i sent it. thats a far cry past the 5 to 10 business days its supposed to take. so i've been calling them for the past week. leaving multiple messages for the guy in charge 'ramone' and not getting anything back. call after call after call and nothing. no answer. and although the kindly receptionists voice was real, there was nothing she could do to help me and all she did was transfer me over and over and over to 'ramone'

so finally last night i set my alarm for 5 am. the office opened at 8 and they are 3 hours ahead. i figured that i really needed to talk to them before the long weekend. so at four i woke up and started clock watching till 5. i called, and again found myself listening to 'ramone's' voicemail. so i called back... 3 times till the cleaning staff picked up and said the receptionist would be right back... this was my 31st phone call attempt (i'm persistent hey?) this time when i spoke to her i asked to speak to a supervisor. i explained the this was my 31st call and i was tired of leaving messages that weren't getting returned. and that i knew they were very busy but i really needed to talk to someone about my visa and if 'ramone' wasn't going to return my calls then could i talk to someone who would.

she hand delivered the call to 'ramone'. he was very nice. i asked about my visa, oh so politely and friendly. he told me to just wait a moment, then said.. OH look, it just got put in my inbox! ready to go. :) so he promised to mail it today. i got the tracking number from him so hopefully i will have it by Tuesday or Wednesday!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I am so glad that the visa is working out.
    Also I didn't know you had a blog anymore! I love reading blogs!
