Wednesday, September 30, 2009


ok... so im in africa and i'm freezing my butt off...... its sooooo cold here. i'm not complaining i'm just telling. i was warmer in canada! lol

yesterday Amy and walked down to the shops (i'm loving walking down there) and we tried my bank card AGAIN and randomly she got it to work. so i dont' know if we finally hit on the right account, or the lines to canada were open or it was the magic of Amy but FINALLY it spat out money and i did a happy dance in that atm atrium. soooo happy.

other than that yesterday was pretty chill and i just watched some movies and relaxed. towards the end of the night i started feeling like i was getting a sniffle and i was soooo feverish... so i went to bed a bit early and woke up this morning right as rain! thank you Lord.

so today we shot a video for the church all the new volunteers get introduced to the church and the church here does its announcements by shooting a video every week. its very cool and fun!!! i haven't got a clue how mine will look but judging how i felt talking to the camera, its gonna be soooo lame... lol.. i'm such a dork. but its such a cute way to do announcements. anyways, i've linked a video just to give you an idea what i'm talking about this one is pretty funny as well, it features a music video that has another one of the volunteers in it, Taylor who has been here almost 7 months and will be here a year total before he is done. :)

just a shout out to my home group tonight back in Canada. i miss you guys. I miss snuggling with Tobi and trying get Aurora to giggle. I hope that all the pregnant ladies are doing well.. you know who you are!!! i need to see some updated belly pictures soon...

love to all and thank you for continued prayers!!!


  1. that is awesome Gwyn. I hope you can post the video with you on it. What a great idea for church updates/ announcements etc...
    I am so excited you are there and getting to experience these amazing things! :) woo hoo -- God has got great things for you.
    Hope you have a great rest of your week, and stay well. Congrats on the debit situation. Pray it wasn't a fluke.
    hugs from here!

  2. Hey Gywn! love the video:) Post the one you're in!!!! Hope everything continues to work out, are your sugars doing better? Let's skype! when are you free? ( as in is there a time we'll both be awake lol:) miss you!

  3. Yes Gwyn!!! Lets see your video hehe

  4. We were thinking of you last night too Gwyn - passed your blog address on to everyone so they can all check this out. Miss you & your smiling face!!


  5. Dude, what's with the random bit of guys Beyonce-ing all over in the middle?? Ha ha. That's most excellent! Who would do that here? I say we open up the polls to vote for dancers. My first vote would be for Penner!!! Ha ha.

    Next week is the last week of our homegroup... :( Too many babies coming to keep things the way they are. But without you there this past week I got to lull Tobi to sleep and hold him for a long time, which made Aurora Grace just a little bit jealous, only a little bit. Mostly she just wanted to touch his eyes.

    Love you Gwyn
