Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm writing this on friday night. we are planning to go to an internet cafe tomorrow and i'm hoping to post it then. our internet has
been out for quite some time right now. what happened actually is that we ran out of our cap for this month and we haven't replaced it yet
all is well over here. i'm trying to remember off the top of my head what i wrote about last.... but i think i wrote about working the double shift
and all that.

ummm monday i wrote about my taxi ride. to explain, here in SA the people rarely take taxi's. its not always safe if you don't know what your doing. but
since we had Tumi with us we were fine. :) and it was super fun.

tuesday i worked the day shift. did an errand in the shops and then went to 'salt' which is like a bible study at the church. it was awesome
and funny when the elder leading it called out my name to read aloud and it freaked me out because i couldn't figure out how he knew my name. lol
wednesday was a nice day off. went swimming for the first time here at the pool. it was the first day that it was actually warm enough to swim
and even then i was pretty cold in the pool and spent most of the time out of it more than in! haha.
Thursday i had another day off so i decided to go with Taylor into the Creche (community school) and helped him teach his class of 6-9 year olds. i went
into Olievenhouteosch. i took lots of pics but i won't be able to upload any i don't think. we'll see what happens, but since i'm gonna be at the cafe i don't think i will have the time for uploading. anyways, it was like, totally different
from the africa i've met so far. garbage, small houses and just the smell. the kids are adorable and heartbreaking.they play with my hair with their
little grimy hands and i just bend down so they can. and they don't even care that i'm a total stranger. i walk in and they come for hugs from all
directions. its so precious. and i love it. some of the stories just kill you tho. Taylor wouldn't tell me about one little girl while we were there because of my history
of bursting into tears..... ( long story short, i went to church, after night shift, seriously sleep deprived and was just blindsided by a story about
two of my kids in the babies home. they brought them all to church and this man came and picked up two of the little boys. and i asked who he was. he is their father
i'm told, the mother left him and gave up the kids to the system without asking him and now he has to fight to get them back but because he doesn't have a job. so he comes
to church to visit them once a week. i got told this and then i burst into tears in the middle of church and locked myself in the bathroom. lol :( ) ANYWAYS.... so Taylor now hesitates
to tell me sad stuff. lol. *sigh* so this little girl in his class, her, her little brother and sister live alone during the week in a tiny little shack. their mom is a single
mom and she works for a family that won't let her bring the kids, so they live alone during the week and she comes home on the weekends. the oldest is nine. she takes care of the younger. thank you taylor for waiting till i was
in the car home to tell me. *sigh again*

last night i participated in a food packing. we packed 400+ bags of food to be handed out in zimbabwe. it was sweet and a LOt OF WORK!!!!! i was in charge of the beans. :) it was hard work and somewhat backbreaking but it was awesome and i got lost in though many times thinking about where the food was going and who it would be helping.

ummm today i worked and i worked my butt off. staff were off so i was alone at one point it was me, the cleaning lady and seven babies. haha... yeah. it went. :)

so the internet is down but i don't know how long for. hopefully we will get it back soon but its hard to say. i do have a phone now. thank you to michelle M who has already
called me twice! i'm not homesick per se but i do miss talking to my friends. and it was so good to hear a 'home' voice. soooo if anyone wants to call me please please 0725437952.
canada dial 011-27- 725437952 :) i would love a call or a text!!!

i love love love it here. i'm getting into the swing of things and loving it. its not home but some how i'm totally AT HOME here. i'm very relaxed for the most part and just enjoying the adventures. i can feel the prayers from home and all around. i'm healthy, i still haven't gotten any of the bugs from the flight and i'm regularly kissed and hugged by snotty faced children and its just God protection on my life that i havn't come down with anything. God's protection and regular handwashing!! haha. actually yesterday was funny cause i kissed one of the kids and came out with a mouthfull of grit. i guess he had been in the sandbox... lol.. perhaps i should take some worm medication... just in case... hehe.

ok. must sign off. lots of love. x0x0x0x


  1. wow Gwyn! wow! I am so grateful you are there and that you are writing this blog. Thankyou! I love hearing how you are doing and what it is like there. You are in such an amazing place to help and help heal. What a perspective you will bring home with you eh? It is hard hearing the stories of those babies, but I am so glad someone like you is there to hug them for a bit. :)
    Glad you are getting so much out of the journey.
    Actually thought of calling you, but I am not sure of the time change and I figure you are sound asleep or should be right now. Si says hi, he tells me how far away you are... I showed him on a map. Riq came through on Friday, and I think she should come visit you too. :) If only eh?!
    Take care, praying for you.

  2. oh man, Gwyn, that's so so sad. it must be awesome to feel like your helping these kids though. isn't it cool how all the kids just love you right away? in Guatemala they were like that too, they love to play with your hair and give you lots of hugs. i'm so glad your still healthy.
